Easiest and Efficient way to develop SPA react project.

Md.Saiful Islam
3 min readApr 3, 2020


Assalamualikum. Hello everyone,today i am going to share the most easiest and efficient way to start a Single Page Application(SPA) by using react.

When you want to build a website,you have to draw a proper working criteria.That helps you to analysis your project and provide a guideline what to do and not to do.More importantly it provides a sequence of your work.Before start our main topic,you should ensure to fulfill some requirement.Such as —

i)installed NodeJs


iii)a code editor


So now you have all kinds of equipment to start your journey.Lets start…

1)Create React Project:

First of all,You have to create a react app.That’s why,open your command prompt and go to your desire location by using cd command.Then run a command-

npx create-react-app your_app_name

Then hit enter button.It takes few times to create and after complete installation you see happy hacking.Now enter your created folder by using below command —

cd my-app

Its time to deploy your site.Open your code in an editor.Also open a terminal and run a command —

npm start

Within a minute,you will see a magic like this —

React Basic View

Now you are a combatant.Start fighting with default react view and bulid your own kindom.

2)Install Bootstrap:

For making your site cute and gorgeous more conveniently,you can use bootstrap.For that,you have to install it by using a command —

npm install react-bootstrap bootstrap

And import css file either in src/index.js or in app.js folder.

3)Draw Web Skeleton and find out Component Hierarchy:

Now you should create a web skeleton according to your website requirement and find out components and sub components.To know more about component just click on me.


In the above image,rectangle shape represent a component and oval represents child components.

4)Design and Develop:

Now start to design your every component step by step.For making your site more stylist you need to use icon and popup alert and form.For that —

i)How to use font awesome:


ii)Sweet alert:




5)Route and Authentication:

Route and authentication are very important parts of every website.To know more about react routing,you can go



If you done all the job perfectly,Now its time to deploy your own builded website.For that,you can use firebase. I will discuss how to deploy a react app in firebase later InSaAllah.

For today Allah Hafez 🙂







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